Swine Flu Vaccination Alert

SWINE FLU VACCINATION ALERT. This letter contains links to research, and interviews with experts which provide astonishing information about vaccinations

Swine Flu Vaccination Alert.

Can you afford to ignore this issue?



The information in this letter is VITAL to provide a more balanced and clearer understanding of the current issues regarding the H1N1 virus and the safety of vaccinations in general. There are countless medical professionals in the fields of immunology who have vociferously raised their voices against the headlong rush to vaccinate, but it seems the media and the big corporations are not interested in such dissent.

In 1956 J Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI for 47 years, when talking about communism said

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”


Some of the information you will see in the links below you may also believe cannot possibly be true, and you may dismiss it as conspiracy theory. The human race has conspired against its fellow human beings since time immemorial can anybody suggest that this is not now the case?


Are you confident about the safety of the Swine flu vaccine? If you and your physician are confident, then there should be no problem in having your physician sign the Warranty of Vaccine Safety. I would suggest that you ask for the list of ingredients of the vaccine and note the batch number. If your physician cannot produce the list of ingredients how can he know the contents and vouch for its safety?

The Vital Issue

Whether you are a physician, a holder of office responsible for health care policy, a politician or a member of the public, can you afford to overlook or ignore some vital issues, largely unknown, or concealed, about the proposed mass vaccination for the H1N1 (Swine influenza) virus


First, it is important to consider if influenza vaccinations are effective.           Also, are they safe?


For an important interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock, an expert who has examined the scientific literature and reports major items of concern about the cover-up of the effects Swine Flu vaccination on gestating foetuses, the rise in autism,  the scare mongering of the public and ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccination programmes see:



see also



For a riveting address to the New York State Assembly on this topic by Dr.Gary Hull, PhD, ND see


(In three parts)

Also see         http://educate-yourself.org/vcd/nullandgalefluvaccines1part28sep09.shtml

Also, “does the vaccine matter?”  http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200911/brownlee-h1n1

If influenza vaccinations are not effective or safe why are they promoted by governments and health authorities around the world?  The answer can be found in the fear and misunderstanding of the nature of influenza infections, fomented by vaccine manufacturers and promoted by the beneficiaries of big business.


Vaccines : Untested, Unsafe and Unnecessary 

A Review by Dr. Leo Rebello & Jagannath Chatterjee 


Vaccination Quotes from Doctors and Scientists



The Baxter vaccine, called Celvapan, has had fast track approval. It uses a new vero cell technology, which utilizes cultured cells from the African green monkey. This same animal tissue transmits a number of vaccine-contaminating viruses, including the HIV virus.

Dr Russell Blaylock, author, lecturer and neurosurgeon has written a damning report

On the Swine Flu vaccination:


Are you aware of the lack of adequate testing for the H1N1 influenza vaccine?


The UK Government plans to test the H1N1 vaccine on 1000 children between the ages of 6 months and 12 years who have been “volunteered” for the trial


What would the Animal Rights Activists say?

Serious Allegations

Are you aware of the very serious allegations of toxicity and worse concerning the production of the H1N1 vaccine that has been lodged with the FBI?

See http://www.infowars.com/journalist-files-charges-against-who-and-un-for-bioterrorism-and-intent-to-commit-mass-murder/

Astonishing  Revelations October 23rd 2009

Do you know that research carried out over the last three months by CBS news has alleged that :

a)    The vast majority of cases of swine flu reported in the USA where testing was continued after July were found not to be any kind of flu when subjected to laboratory testing?

b)    The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) recommended that no time be wasted in the verification of the cause of the disease after the influenza diagnosis was made.

c)    The CDC refused to cooperate with the CBS news on test data, and refused to comment when CBS gathered its own data.

See http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/24/CBS-Reveals-that-Swine-Flu-Cases-Seriously-Overestimated.aspx


If this is the case in the USA, is it very different in the rest of the world?

With all the reports of deaths from Swine Influenza, how many of these cases were confirmed to be infected by an influenza virus. Can anybody obtain or provide information on this question?

If the vast majority of these cases with flu-like symptoms were not caused by influenza of any kind, what was the cause of these symptoms? (see below- Covert Operations)

For the latest updates in this controversy, see


Choice of Vaccine Preparation


In the USA , the vaccine is available with and without the mercury based preservative  Thimerosal and Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the US national Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is overseeing the development of a H1N1 vaccine said that people are concerned about Thimerosal and “We are preferentially directing the non-Thimerosal doses to children and pregnant women”.  Beware. If you are in Ireland, a spokesman for the Health Services Executive (Republic of Ireland), when asked whether consideration was being given to provision of a Thimerosal free formulation of the vaccine reportedly said: “nothing like that is being mooted”    Source- Irish times September 4th page 4. A later report in the Irish Times October 21st indicates that two different types of Vaccine will be available in Ireland, Pandemrix and Celvapan.  The individual must verify for him/her self


Is Mercury based Thimerosal Toxic?


The Centres for Diseases Control (CDC) in the USA claims that Thimerosal is safe


However – This is a must-read. There are reports of a serious cover-up in the case of the Thimerosal Autism link


The State of Washington’s Health(?) Department has suspended Mercury restrictions for swine flu vaccine !!


Professor Jill James has done very compelling research on Autism which explains why some individuals cannot tolerate mercury and other poisons.


The opinions on this issue are markedly polarised. You will have to decide- can you take the risk?

For recent research on mercury vaccines in Primates:


Opinion from Dr. Mercola:- :  Nine Reasons why you should not let your child get the flu vaccine:


More Conflicting information- Squalene in Vaccinations

A Medical Correspondent wrote in the Irish Times (Tuesday October 20th 2009) that  “There is already a large body of experience from its(squalene) use in mass vaccines for humans, with no significant safety concerns raised in more than 70 clinical trials”

However, Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen has a lot of compelling information about the dangers of squalene .


In the above reference you will find the conclusions of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) concerning Pandemrix “Risks:- Pandemrix is commonly or very commonly associated with a range of local and systemic adverse reactions but these are not often of severe intensity and the safety profile would not preclude the use of the vaccine in healthy adults aged 18-60 years or > 60 years”


But what about pregnant Women and Children? 

Dr Sherri Tenpenny in a 2006 article on Squalene says:

Metabolically, squalene stimulates an immune response excessively and nonspecifically. More than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers from ten different laboratories throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia have been published documenting the development of autoimmune disease in animals subjected to squalene-based adjuvants. A convincing proposal for why this occurs includes the concept of “molecular mimicry” in which an antibody created against the squalene in MF59 can cross react with the body’s squalene on the surface of human cells. The destruction of the body’s own squalene can lead to debilitating autoimmune and central nervous system diseases.”


See  http://www.pandemicfluonline.com/?p=1134

And  http://www.generationrescue.org/binstock/090920-vaccinologists-in-wonderland.htm

Do your own research. Look up “Squalene toxic effects”.

Why has the British Government asked Neurologists to look out for Cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)?

In 1976 in the USA millions were vaccinated for Swine Flu and 25 people died before the vaccination was stopped. It was never proven that the Vaccination caused the GBS, but now physicians are being asked to observe and report signs of this disease


H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Insert Admits It Causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Vasculitis, Paralysis, Anaphylactic Shock and Death       


Compulsory Vaccination?


What about adverse reports from the H1N1 vaccination?



Who stands to profit from the vaccination for the H1N1 virus?

“The swine flu pandemic is one of the most profitable opportunities ever encountered by healthcare sector. The flu season is just around the corner, and we still don’t have an effective swine flu protection The race to develop an efficient antiviral treatment and a swine flu vaccine is on, and the first one to make it, will profit massively on a global scale. Find out who will win the race with the Swine Flu Financial Report.* Sign up for the Swine Flu Financial Report* and discover great investment opportunities with the best swine flu stocks. Fill out the form to access the Network Center and profit from the swine flu pandemic crisis.  .”   

This is a quote from Swine Flu Company (yes, this is how commercialism operates), and they list 30 companies in which to invest. To receive the full financial report you must qualify as an “accredited investor or a sophisticated investor”


The old adage never dies– “If things don’t add up, just follow the money”


Covert Operations

Is it possible that a covert operation,  started in the USA over ten years ago, with the official title of Operation Cloverleaf, involving the spraying of chemicals from aircraft, and now in most countries of the world, is connected with  unexplained symptoms of Swine Flu. Is this operation, initiated by the US military now apparently being perpetrated by commercial airlines?

Look at the section “Airline Mechanic stumbles upon chemical spraying unit.”

In the following site:


 Are you aware that one of these pollutants, Barium, has now been shown to be immunosuppressive, and symptoms of Barium poisoning resemble the Swine Flu.

See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec-fbkxo7sg

Barium has been found in air/water samples after Chemtrails activities in the sky:


For more information on Chemtrails 


Safe and Effective treatments for Swine Flu

An interesting article about Vitamin D:


These leading immunologists / MD’s have already discussed the inherent dangers of the swine flu vaccine and the general implications of all vaccines:


Dr Lorraine Day, MD (http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com/members/lday3.htm

Dr Ken Holtworth, MD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1z7KSEnyxw)

Dr Andrew Moulden, MD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_3_Nv-iSd4)

Dr Michael Teplitsky, MD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMUHlNHCC8c)

Dr Len Saputo, MD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUzaGAk3kw0)

Dr Rebbeca Carley, MD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8OwwDP-Xkg)

Dr Rima Laibow, MD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8exVppMQHYo)

For sites with Comprehensive Coverage of the issue:



For a thorough analysis of data that should dispel all doubts of the problems of vaccines

See the DVD  Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal. By Dr. Sherri J Tenpenny

Available from Amazon.com

For an excellent and comprehensive overview of the US political and financial background to many ongoing issues see “Fall of the Republic” by Alex Jones


Your Rôle

There is adequate evidence from the conflicting information that you cannot rely on “authority” for the truth. By perusing the published information it will be apparent that contradiction, cover-up and misinterpretation of the facts are rampant. I urge everybody to study the issues and decide for themselves.

In this technological age, we can rightly expect that the scientific process should provide us with unequivocal answers. Instead we are faced with confusion and dilemma. Could it be that the rigours of scientific endeavour are distorted by fraud, greed and megalomania?

Copy this to as many people as you know, in all countries. There are many who would welcome a comprehensive overview, even if they disagree with the facts reported here.

Disclaimer: I am not personally advocating either avoidance or participation in the vaccination program. I am merely attempting to promote awareness of the issues involved.

If you find it difficult to decide, your physician’s response to your request to sign the attached warranty form, and his lack of knowledge of the vaccination ingredients should provide additional wisdom.

If you would prefer not to receive any more mails on this topic please let me know at natmed@iol.ie

I wish you all wisdom and health


Anthony Hughes. Natural Medicine Clinic

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